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Still unsure of a major and career path? Consider International Studies (IS).
During your study of how cultural, historical, political, and economic forces affect international relations, you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and others. The major fosters civic engagement and social responsibility and promotes learning and scholarship while serving the community at the local, state, national, and international levels by preparing you to be an informed global citizen.
A degree in international studies has helped our graduates land jobs with the U.S. government, with international organizations such as the United Nations, and with nongovernmental organizations like Doctors Without Borders, just to name a few.
The international studies major offers a varied curriculum and provides you with the opportunity to tailor a program of study that is international in content and tailored to your interests. This multidisciplinary program of study consists of:
Students graduating with the B.A. in international studies will be able to:
Exit interviews with graduating seniors and alumni surveys indicate very high levels of satisfaction with the major. Most of the courses for the IS major are small (between 15 and 30 students) and many are taught seminar style, featuring discussion, collaboration, and research papers. Respondents say they appreciated the diversity of courses to choose from and gave high scores to their professors’ teaching. In a recent survey, every respondent agreed the coursework they took for their IS degree not only provided them with marketable, transferable skills, it enhanced their ability to understand world affairs and their understanding of other cultures. In exit interviews, 100 percent expressed satisfaction with the program overall and 100 percent reported that they felt prepared to obtain acceptance to a graduate or professional school.
If you are interested in careers in government, international organizations, business, teaching, or journalism you should contact the director of the international studies (IS) major.
Wright State grads with the IS degree are working in the private and public sector, in governmental and non-governmental organizations or using their B.A. in liberal arts as the foundation for law and other graduate degrees. They have found work as foreign service officers for the U.S. Department of State; as community educators in the Peace Corps and in AmeriCorps, as research analysts at the United Nations Population Fund, in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) and in other agencies at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. They have worked to promote human rights worldwide through the British charity Oxfam, at the United Nations, and with Médecins Sans Frontières; leading anti-human trafficking campaigns; assisting refugees for Catholic Relief Services; and working as Congressional staffers…just to name a few.
For more on careers in IS, visit:
Students with a GPA of 3.0 or better may receive credit hours for internships. For opportunities in the Dayton area, contact Laura Luehrmann, Ph.D. for details.
Students selected for the prestigious Washington Center Internship program live in Washington, D.C., for a semester and gain valuable experience in their choice of governmental or non-governmental offices—while earning a semester’s worth of credit. Learn more by going to The Washington Center website. Wayne Stark from Wright State's Career Center has coached many of our students through the application process. Contact Wayne Stark for more information.
This program offers U.S. citizen undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to participate in 10-week paid internships that provide intensive educational and professional experience within the environment of America's principal foreign affairs agency.
The paid internships are available at many of the more than 265 U.S. embassies, consulates and missions to international organizations around the world, as well as at the Department of State in Washington, D.C., and other locations throughout the U.S. You can gain first-hand, hands-on experience, and learn the realities of working in, and with, foreign and civil service professionals at the forefront of America's diplomatic efforts.
For more information, visit the following website:
Wright State offers a world of opportunities. Strike out on your own to study abroad for a semester (or more) or travel with a Wright State professor and a small group of your classmates for a few weeks.
Check out upcoming study abroad options on the University Center for International Education (UCIE) website.
We also offer semester and year-long study abroad programs in over 60 countries! For more information or to make an advising appointment, please stop by the UCIE (E344 Student Union) or email at askucie@wright.edu.
Built around a three-credit-hour seminar in political science, PLS 4860/6860, Wright State’s Model UN Team emphasizes diplomacy, teamwork, problem-solving, public speaking, technical writing, and researching. Students participate in regional and international simulations, winning top awards at the National Model United Nations Conference in New York City each spring. Visit the Model UN webpage to learn more.
The Bachelor of Arts degree program in international studies consists of three parts: three years of study of one foreign language; the major core courses, which include introductory work in art history, economics, geography, history, political science, religion and women's studies; and work in a specialized concentration.
The concentrations in the international studies major provide six options: International Diplomacy and Peace Studies; Area Studies in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, or the Middle East; Comparative Cultures; International Economic Affairs; Global Gender Studies; and Research/Intelligence Analyst.
View the Bachelor of Arts in International Studies program information, degree requirements, and graduation planning strategy in the Academic Catalog.
The international studies program fosters life-long learning by providing you with the tools of language, critical thinking and analysis. The major prepares you to assume your role as an effective and informed global citizen while laying the groundwork for promoting international understanding.
If you haven’t yet applied to Wright State, complete the admission application and list international studies as your intended major.
If you are a current student and wish to change majors, submit a Major/Minor Change Request by logging in to WINGS, then select Student Academics under Your Launchpad. If you are an undecided/exploratory student, talk to your advisor about switching your major to international studies.
You will have two advisors available to help you throughout your academic experience:
IS faculty advisors can provide help with:
When you have been accepted into the undergraduate program as an international studies major or minor, you will receive a welcome letter informing you of your advisor and the contact information.
Whether you are a transfer student from another college or university, changing majors at Wright State, or adding a minor, you should meet your advisor as soon as possible to learn your degree requirements and to acquaint yourself with the educational opportunities available to international studies students.
As an IS major, you may use electives to acquire one of these resume-bolstering certifications.
Listed below are just a few of your choices at Wright State:
The Dayton Council on World Affairs (DCOWA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is “to promote informed opinion and decision-making concerning international issues.” DCOWA offers a variety of events each year, engaging the community on a diversity of world issues.
Finding the right college means finding the right fit. See all that the College of Liberal Arts has to offer by visiting campus.