Please join the Department of Urban Affairs and Geography in welcoming our newest faculty member, Assistant Professor Kristine Bezdecny, starting Fall 2014!
What should you know about Dr. Kris?
- PhD in Geography & Environmental Science and Policy from University of South Florida; along with an MA in Geography, BS in Mathematics, and BA in History.
- Ohio makes 8 states that she has lived in, out of 46 visited.
- Her current research in urban geography includes:
- co-authoring a book on urban global governance,
- papers on uneven geographical development and urban theming,
- co-editing a volume on cities and the environment, and
- co-editing a volume of post-industrial/post-modern cities.
- Her family in sunny SoCal includes her husband, teenage daughter, and pet water dragon.
- She has over 10 years experience in GIS research applications, with over 5 years spent planning and developing training for Esri in such areas as:
- mobile GIS data collection,
- mobile application development, and
- geostatistical analysis.
- She is a Civil War buff who is also fascinated by string theory and fractals.
She will teach two courses this fall:
- GEO 4200/6200 Remote Sensing Applications (Tues, 5:00-7:40 pm)
- GEO 4430/6430 Geographic Information Systems (Thurs, 5:30-9:10 pm)
Still time to sign up!