Congratulations to Dr. Mary Wenning, Program Director; Dr. Jerri Killian, Department Chair; and the entire faculty of the MPA program!
The notifying memo sent by the accrediting body; the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA); stated they are “pleased to inform that the Commission found your Master of Public Administration program to be in substantial conformity with NASPAA Standards.” The program is accredited for a period of seven years – through August 31, 2023. The memo further states that “by pursuing and achieving accreditation through a rigorous peer review, your program has demonstrated a substantial commitment to quality public service education. You are part of the global community of over 190 accredited graduate programs in public service.”
During the site visit in February 2016, the NASPAA site visit team congratulated the MPA program on the following attributes:
- Supportive and collegial learning community
- Strong commitment of faculty and students
- Comprehensive advising process
- Impactful capstone project
- Valued community engagement
- Engaged Advisory Board
- Supportive and insightful dean
- Robust and comprehensive assessment process
The program would like to thank the following for their invaluable support during the accreditation process: Dean Kristin Sobolik, College of Liberal Arts; the MPA Advisory Board; MPA alumni and current students; and Shirley Barber, office coordinator.