Martin Kim, 2000, M.U.A. We’d like to introduce you to Martin Kim, adjunct professor with the Department of Urban Affairs and Geography since 2009. While he taught Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Principles and Advanced GIS courses over the last 6 years, this fall Martin will teach the Community and Regional Planning course (GEO/URS 3200).
His expertise and experiences in the field make him fully qualified to teach these courses. Martin is the Director of Regional Planning at the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (MVRPC) where he has worked since 2000. His specialization includes strategic planning, land use and transportation planning, planning support system and GIS, and quantitative and qualitative research. Martin is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) and is a certified GIS Professional (GISP). Martin is also a very active member in local professional groups such as Dayton chapter of American Planning Association and the Southwest Ohio GIS Users Group.
Martin received a Bachelor of Engineering in Urban Planning from South Korea, and then came to Dayton to attend Wright State University. He says, although he was born in the U.S., the move from Seoul, South Korea to Dayton was quite a change and says he is now fully “Daytonized.” At WSU, Martin was a Research/GIS Data Analyst and a Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) for the Center for Urban and Public Affairs.
Prior to becoming an adjunct professor, Martin was a frequent guest speaker at many WSU classes and has supervised at MVRPC many student interns from the Urban Affairs and Geography majors. He mentioned the opportunity to contribute to student’s learning has been a very rewarding one. Martin looks forward to another successful semester with many late night classes this fall, and lots of coffee next morning.