The Department of Modern Languages in Wright State’s College of Liberal Arts will offer a new fully online course, Beginning German I (GER 1010.A01), beginning in Summer 2019. German learners from throughout the United States can enroll in this course, and Wright State students can fulfill their language credit requirements during the summer.
The benefits of an online course for students include:
1) Multimedia Online Classroom
Learning German online has many advantages. Students will learn as well as stay connected to other e-learners and benefit from the latest technology innovations:
- Video grammar tutorials
- Interactive audio grammar exercises
- A self-correcting online workbook
- Discussion boards to keep them in touch with fellow students
- Webcam usage for one-on-one teacher assistance
2) Learn at your Own Pace
Many are scared to learn a new language or are put off by boring grammar drills and the idea they might fail. Traditional classrooms might not offer the exact amount of time for all students to succeed. Some need more time, different methods to learn, or revisions and repetitions without interrupting the traditional class. Students can review sections and better understand concepts by watching one of the many short tutorials. Students can thrive in a supporting environment while learning at their own pace.
3) Affordable, Culturally Appropriate, Fun Resources
Beginning German I uses a fully online textbook and workbook that will be integrated in this course. With a click of the mouse students can hear, repeat, and even watch short integrated videos within the textbook. This textbook is more affordable than most and will maintain the student’s interest with its colorful and integrated design features.
4) Learning Effectively
Although this course is offered completely online, without any set times to meet in the online classroom, students will receive one-on-one tutorial assistance from the professor. Assessments in the form of short quizzes reflect exactly what they are learning and are designed to assess their progress. Emphasis will be placed on finding effective learning tools for every student.
Students can sign up for Beginning German I now.
For more information, please contact, Elfe Dona, Ph.D., at