The oldest German Club in the Miami Valley, the Dayton Liederkranz-Turner Club, celebrated its 125th anniversary on Saturday, November 14, 2015. Dr. Elfe Dona, Dr. Renate Sturdevant, and students from the WSU German Club prepared for this event by learning German folk dances under the instructions of Lois Lynch. They have met every Monday evening during this fall semester to practice German folk dance. It was an honor to be part of this wonderful occasion. After a welcome by Ulrich (Uli) Gaertner, President, we enjoyed a concert by the Liederkranz-Turner Choir and the Kolping Sängerchor from Kolping Society of Cincinnati at the Stivers High School of the Arts. Then the festivities moved to the Liederkranz-Turner Club house. After a delightful meal, the Liederkranz Volkstänzer performed traditional German folk dances. Thanks to our students, Alvin Helms and Daniel Moody, for being part of this wonderful evening.