Megan Wulber, a senior Crime and Justice Studies major, received an internship for the Fall of 2014 at The Advanced Technical Intelligence Center (ATIC) in their Center for Law Enforcement Analysis and Training (CLEAT) program. CLEAT provides analytical support to local law enforcement agencies. This means that a case is brought to them by an agency that is requesting background information and analysis of the persons involved with the case. Megan learned that the next step was to take the persons of interest (POIs) and run them through several databases to get their criminal background, basic demographics, and addresses. She organized this information into several formats including dossiers, associate analysis charts, and timelines. This gives law enforcement an easy and comprehensive overview of the POIs. Megan directly worked on cases involving violent gangs, financial fraud, and drug trafficking cases. Her internship has been a fantastic learning experience and she adds: “I am able to work on real criminal cases with different agencies on a wide variety of cases. The knowledge I have gained here will be an invaluable asset to help me advance my career.”