Imani Baker, originally from Las Vegas, NV graduated from Central State University in 2016, with her Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. Immediately after undergrad, Imani enrolled in the Applied Behavioral Sciences Program at Wright State University. She describes Wright State as a school full of dedicated professors, charismatic peers, and a place of unlimited research. Imani completed her project investigating how experienced and inexperienced drivers differ in regards to car collisions. With rising deaths due to distracted driving and experience, it is extremely important to educate others on safe and attentive driving. As the eldest of 4 siblings, making a reputable example was one of Imani’s main goals. After graduation, she plans on finding a career that compels her to help individuals in need, make a lasting mark on the lives of others, and creating a life that serves her full potential. Imani thanks Wright State for the unlimited resources, time, and genuine hearts of advisors/professors.