Q: How would you describe your job and what a typical day is like for you?
A: Actually I have 2 jobs. My “day” job at Wright State can be very hectic. I’m the technology and communication coordinator for the College of Liberal Arts. I have to make sure that all the faculty and staff of the entire college have up-to-date and working computers and technology that stay within my allotted budget. I also manage larger technology initiatives such as moving the entire college to a different managed print services provider (that’s happening now). This takes a lot of communication between departments, Xerox (our new mps provider), and the WSU business office to make sure their needs are met and there is no gap in services. I have to maintain our website. I will often be making changes and creating content for our website to keep it up to date and relevant. I may be training someone on how to use some sort of technology. I oversee our social media. We are currently developing a new strategy for that and will have a new student whose primary role will be making sure we are hitting that pretty hard.
My second job is the owner/operator of a recording studio located in downtown Dayton. Most evenings I’ll be there working with different clients ranging from recording rock bands to recording voiceovers of NFL players.
Q: Do you feel that your education at Wright State helped qualify you for your current position?
A: Definitely. My education at WSU taught me to seek out solutions in creative ways. That goes for both of my jobs. I deal with so many different personality types on a daily basis that I have to be able to find creative solutions to work for those people. One solution may not work the same way for someone else. I feel my education helped give me a very broad scope of how the world works. You’d be surprised when those nuggets of knowledge come in handy.
Q: Where do you see yourself in five years?
A: I would like to see my role in CoLA grow to even more of a leadership position. I consider myself a pretty good leader and would like to utilize those skill sets even more.
As far as the recording studio, I would like to see my recording business continue to grow and serve the Dayton and regional area even more.
Q: Which college memory stands out for you the most?
A: Starting as a freshman on campus. There was a sense of new freedom and opportunity. Everything was very exciting and new. I was excited to see how self-disciplined I could be. With all that freedom, it’s very easy to take paths that don’t lead to success.
Q: What advice would you give to current students, especially graduating seniors, regarding the professional world?
A: Work hard. Don’t expect to make tons of money when you start a job. You’re not entitled to anything. That employer is hiring you to do a job. Do that job better than anyone that has ever done that job before. Approach every opportunity with a servant attitude and humility.