School of Fine and Performing Arts

Auditions for Admission

photo of a student on stage

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Auditions and Interviews for Bachelor of Fine Arts Theatre, Dance, and Motion Pictures Programs

Wright State University, Theatre and Dance Programs are a dynamic training ground for career success in the performing arts, focused exclusively on undergraduate students. These programs conduct a selective admissions process, including auditions and interviews*, for the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) academic programs. Prospective students must complete the department's own admission application and audition/interview process, as well as the university’s undergraduate admission application.

To learn more about admissions, auditions, interviews, scholarships, and degree requirements, please visit our programs to find the one that suits your talents and interests.

Any student auditioning/interviewing for a B.F.A. program must pay an audition fee of $25.00. This includes all audition/interview locations. Payment is only available online.

Pay B.F.A. application fee online

If you have any questions, contact:

Amanda Brewer, Assistant Director
Theatre, Dance and Motion Pictures Programs
School of Fine and Performing Arts
Wright State University

Pre-screening Option

Applicants may choose to be pre-screened for Acting, Musical Theatre, and Dance via  Accept’d, but it is not required for your audition. The pre-screen option is intended to help prospective students avoid unnecessary travel and be most efficient in their college selection process. If travel is impossible, consider the live online audition.

Design/Technology students can submit digital art and design portfolios via Accept’d as well.

B.F.A. Acting and Musical Theatre Programs

Through the B.F.A. application process, you will be able to schedule an in-person audition on our campus or choose to schedule a virtual audition for February 4, 2023. Acting and Musical Theatre candidates all audition at the same time. If you are submitting for consideration by both emphases, your audition for both will happen simultaneously and will require only one application.

Please select an audition date directly through our department.

2025–26 Acting and Musical Theatre Auditions

  • Friday, November 1, 2024 (Master Class)
  • Saturday, November 2, 2024 (Audition 
  • Saturday, January 18, 2025 (Audition)
  • Friday, January 31, 2025 (Master Class)
  • Saturday, February 1, 2025 (Audition) 
  • Sunday, February 16, 2025 (Virtual Audition)

Candidates must schedule an audition and submit materials at least two weeks in advance on the B.F.A. Admission and Scholarship Application (PDF).

B.F.A. Dance Program

2025–26 Dance Auditions

2025-2026 Audition submissions for the Dance Program will be in-person for all that are able. Dance auditions will consist of one of the following: a Friday Master Class of both ballet and modern or a Saturday audition of a ballet barre followed by learning a short combination from each of the three disciplines: ballet, modern, and jazz. 

  • Friday, November 1, 2024 (Master Class and Audition)         
  • Sunday, January 19, 2025 (Audition) 
  • Friday, January 24, 2025 (Master Class and Audition)                          
  • Friday, February 7, 2025 (Master Class and Audition)                                                  
  • Saturday, February 15, 2025 (Audition)

Candidates scheduling an audition for Dance must complete the B.F.A. Dance Admission and Scholarship Application (PDF).

B.F.A. Design/Technology Program

2025–26 Design/Technology/Stage Management Admission Interviews

  • Saturday, November 16, 2024                                                  
  • Saturday, February 1, 2025

Design/Technology/Stage Management Interviews are also available by appointment if the pre-arranged dates are not possible for the applicant. Contact Amanda Brewer to schedule.

Design/Technology/Stage Management must complete the B.F.A. Design/Technology Admission and Scholarship Application (PDF).

B.A or B.F.A. Motion Pictures Program / B.A. Theatre Studies

No auditions or interviews are required for Motion Pictures and Theatre Studies programs.

Auditions for Admission to Music Programs

The path to becoming a music major is different than for other majors. The information below will guide you through the process of becoming a music major or minor. This process is necessary for all students who apply to the music program regardless of their desired degree program.

  1. To be a music major or minor, you must also apply and be accepted into Wright State University. Review the admission requirements and complete the admission application.
  2. To apply to the music program, fill out and submit the undergraduate application.
  3. Prepare for your audition. Review the audition requirements for your instrument and detailed information about your audition day.

Instructions and Dates

Please read this carefully in order to understand the admittance process for being a music major or minor.

Students may be admitted to the music program only after being admitted to Wright State and successfully completing an audition with the appropriate Music faculty. To apply for admission to the school, make an appointment for your audition, and get more information on the admission process.

In-Person Audition Dates for Fall 2025 Admissions

  • January 31, 2025
  • February 14, 2025

additional audition information

  • If you are unavailable to audition in person on one of the above dates, select “Special Audition Date” in your music program application. This will result in one of the following two scenarios:
    • You may audition in person at a mutually agreeable time as communicated by the music applied faculty member and the area coordinators listed below.
    • You may submit a virtual audition via video recording using the Acceptd platform. Acceptd will charge a $30 fee for submitting a recorded audition.
  • The Acceptd platform is available year-round for virtual admission to enroll during any Fall or Spring semester.
  • Performance time for prepared literature may be no longer than 1 minute. Questions regarding the choice of repertoire should be directed to the area coordinators listed below.

Area Coordinators

Audition Requirements

Transfer students should provide a list of their complete repertoire. Applicants who are unable to visit Wright State may submit a professional quality recording in lieu of a live audition. This recording will be reviewed on the scheduled audition date for entrance into the music program.

Although every student will be asked to do an exercise in rhythm and pitch, audition requirements vary slightly with each performing area; please see below:


Instrumentalists are required to perform two movements of contrasting tempo and style or a single selection with contrasting sections. It is recommended that compositions written with accompaniment be performed with accompaniment, but this is not required. The applicant will also be asked to play major scales through four sharps and four flats, a chromatic scale, and to sight-read. These same requirements apply to music minors and those interested in elective study.


Vocalists auditioning to major in music are required to sing two solo selections. They must be in two different languages, from memory, and in the category of art songs, sacred songs, or arias. Those interested in the music minor, or elective study, need only to prepare one song. Vocalists are required to perform pieces with accompaniment and are encouraged to use their own accompanist. If they do not have access to an accompanist, one will be provided for them.


Pianists auditioning for a major or concentration in piano, are required to perform two compositions from different periods. Both compositions must be from the standard repertoire, and one must be performed from memory. Applicants will also be asked to play major and minor scales through four sharps and four flats and to sight-read. Students seeking admission to the Music Education program with a piano as the principal instrument must also pass and audition on a secondary band, orchestral instrument, or voice. Those interested in elective study need to only perform one work from memory and prepare major scales through four sharps and four flats.


Organists are required to perform two compositions from different periods. The selections must be from the standard organ repertoire. The applicant will also be asked to sight-read. Please indicate the number of years you have studied piano and attach a list of repertoire studied. Those interested in elective study need only prepare one piece.


Guitarists are required to perform two compositions of contrasting tempo and style or a single selection with contrasting sections. Applicants will be asked to play two-octave major scales in any key and to sight-read. Those interested in elective study need only prepare one piece.

Music Scholarships

In order to be eligible to receive a talent-based scholarship from the music program, you must audition on a special scholarship audition date or submit a recorded audition on or before March 14, 2025. After this date has passed, the remaining live auditions and recorded audition submissions will be for entrance only. Scholarship priority will be given to music majors.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • May I submit an audition by using a recording?

    Although we strongly encourage live, on-site auditions, all undergraduate applicants who live beyond a 250-mile radius of Dayton, Ohio may submit their entire audition online at the Acceptd site. This includes all instruments and voice types. If you meet this criteria and it is your intention to submit your entire audition online, please notify the music undergraduate admission office of your intent through email at or call (937) 775-2346.

  • What if I have a conflict with all the audition dates and live within the 250-mile radius?

    If you have a conflict with the scheduled audition days and live within 250 miles of the Wright State campus, please contact the applied teacher for your instrument or voice to discuss the possibility of submitting an online audition. To find the correct applied teacher, visit the People section of our website.


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