All applied music study is subject to the regulations in the Applied Music Policy Statement. This document includes procedures for applied music jury examinations, policies on grading, recital requirements, and attendance at lessons. You are expected to be familiar with this information.
Revised Fall 1988, Revised Fall 2004, Revised Fall 2013, Revised Fall 2015
I. Structure of Applied Music Board Committees
- Applied music board committees are responsible for hearing entrance auditions, jury examinations, recital pre-hearings, and recitals. Overall responsibility for the internal coordination of the committees is delegated as follows:
- Piano/Organ & Strings - Dr. Jackson Leung
- Woodwinds - Dr. Chris Chaffee
- Brass – Dr. Gretchen McNamara
- Percussion – Gerald Noble
- Audition committees require a minimum of two faculty members from the appropriate applied area.
- Jury Committees require the entire faculty in the appropriate applied area, with a minimum of two faculty. In the event that an applied area lacks two members the chair will assign an additional committee member.
- Recital committees require a minimum of two faculty members, one of whom is the applied teacher. Additional committee members selected by the student must be approved by the applied teacher. In the event of a dispute over pass/fail, a third member is required and the student will perform the recital pre-hearing again. Committee members are required to be in attendance at the pre-hearing.
II. Policies on Entrance Auditions
- Students must audition in order to pursue a music major or minor course of study. Audition materials can be found on the School of Fine and Performing Arts Auditions for Admission page.
- Entrance auditions, which occur on regularly scheduled announced dates during the September - April school year, will be heard by the committee which normally hears jury examinations in the applied area. At least two members of the appropriate committee will be present.
- A special audition date may be scheduled to accommodate a schedule conflict with an applicant. In such cases, at least two members of the appropriate committee will be present to hear an audition.
- If a clear decision can be made at the time of the audition after consultation by the committee, the applicant will be verbally notified and the decision will be confirmed by letter.
- Any student who is accepted at an audition must begin degree credit instruction in that area of applied music within one calendar year of the audition date.
- Any student who discontinues study for credit in the area of her/his major or concentration longer than two consecutive semesters, excluding summer term, will be required to audition in order to reenter.
- Secondary instrument instruction requires applied faculty approval in lieu of an audition.
III. Policies on Registration and Grading in Applied Music
- Registration: All applied students must be registered for the appropriate MUA course number during the first week of the semester. Any student who is not registered for applied lessons during the second week of the semester will be denied further lessons with the instructor until such time that the student can submit official documentation of university applied registration.
- Each MUA course number has 4 digits designated as follows:
- 1st digit = year of study
- 2nd digit = credit hours
- 3rd digit = semester of study
- 4th digit = placeholder
- Music Education: 2 credit hrs = 1 hr lesson (all years)
- Music Performance: 2 credit hrs = 1 hr lesson (Year 1 and 2); 4 credit hrs = 1 hr lesson (Year 3 +)
Year |
Courses |
1st |
MUA 1210
MUA 1220 |
2nd |
MUA 2210
MUA 2220 |
3rd |
MUA 3210/3410
MUA 3220/3420 |
4th |
MUA 4210/4410
MUA 4220/4420 |
Graduate |
MUA 7210/7410
MUA 7220/7420 |
- Music Education: 1 credit hr = .5 hr lesson (Year 1); 2 credit hrs = 1 hr lesson (Year 2+)
- Music Performance: 2 credit hrs = 1 hr lesson (Year 2); 4 credit hrs = 1 hr lesson (Year 3 +)
Year |
Courses |
1st |
MUA 1110*
MUA 1120* |
2nd |
MUA 2210
MUA 2220 |
3rd |
MUA 3210/3410
MUA 3220/3420 |
4th + |
MUA 4210/4410
MUA 4220/4420 |
Graduate |
MUA 7210/7410
MUA 7220/7420 |
*with Vocal Tech and Diction
- Grading
- Student weekly progress and final grade will be measured on the basis of goals set by the studio teacher as outlined in the course syllabus
- If a student fails his/her jury he/she cannot receive a grade higher than C. The evaluated weight of the jury within each student’s grade is to be outlined in the applied syllabus.
- Students must receive a C or better in each semester of applied lessons in order to move to the next level.
- The following scale for grade equivalents, based on Wright State University policy, will be used:
- A = Excellent
- B = Above Average
- C = Average
- D = Below Average
- F = Failing
- Additional details regarding grading can be found in the syllabus for applied music.
- Missed Lessons Policy
- Students must complete at least 10 lessons per semester in order to receive a passing grade in applied music.
- Teachers will make a best effort to make up lessons canceled by a student if notified at least 48 hours in advance.
- It is at the teacher’s discretion to make up a lesson if a student cancels a lesson with less than 48 hours notice.
- Make up lessons will be offered to the student if the teacher has to miss a lesson and the teacher will make a best effort to notify the student at least 48 hours in advance.
IV. Policies for Applied Music Jury Examinations
- All music majors and minors are required to perform a jury during each semester of enrollment in Applied Music.
- A student is exempt from jury examinations in the same semester they successfully pass a Junior or Senior recital.
- A student that does not pass a jury is considered to be on probation.
- A second failure, whether consecutive or non-consecutive, will result in dismissal from a major or minor course of study within the Music Program at Wright State University.
- Jury examinations will be scheduled with the appropriate Applied Board during exam week each semester. Each student's applied teacher is expected to be present at the student's jury examination. Faculty absence from a jury exam must be approved by the chairman of the department. Failure of the applied teacher to attend will not be held against the student.
- The Applied Board has the option of recording any jury performance. If the student's applied teacher is not able to be present, then the performance must be recorded.
- Content of the jury examinations should reflect material covered during the semester and may include examination in the following areas:
- Prepared piece(s) - memorization required in piano and voice
- Scales and other technical exercises (not included in voice and organ)
- Sight reading
- Oral questions
- The student's applied teacher will determine the amount of concentration in any of the areas in order to reflect the student's instruction during the semester but the other members of the Committee are free to ask appropriate questions, and each has an equal vote.
- Decisions are to be made on the basis of majority vote of the Applied Board.
- Applied Board member comments will be sent to each student by the applied faculty with a letter stating whether the student has passed or failed his/her jury. Letters are the responsibility of the applied teacher.
- It is understood that appearance at scheduled applied music jury exams is required as at any other final exam.
- A makeup jury exam (due to a valid excuse, illness, etc. that is approved by the Applied Board) will be scheduled no later than the end of the next successive semester excluding summer term.
- Any circumstance pertaining to missing a jury exam will be considered on an individual basis by the appropriate board committee members.
VII. Policies on Recitals
- Thursday Student Recitals
- Student recitals will be held on Thursdays at 12:30 throughout the semester. A list of available recital dates and recital request forms shall be distributed to each applied teacher at the beginning of the semester.
- Students wishing to perform a solo on the Thursday Recital must be enrolled for applied credit at the time of the recital.
- Students may only perform on a Thursday recital with approval from their applied teacher. A minimum of three students is required for each recital to occur. Every Thursday Student Recital must be completed by 1:45pm. In addition, students must arrive at the Recital Hall by 12:25pm on the day of the recital so the hall staff has time to prepare for specific staging.
- If an applied teacher wishes to have their student perform on a Thursday recital, they must submit the completed recital form by Monday, 5:00 pm the week of the recital to the designated graduate teaching assistant.
- Music Education Students performing on the Thursday Recital Series for Recital Degree Credit must follow the Pre-Hearing requirements listed below.
- Junior Recitals for Performance Majors
- Performance majors will be required to present a half recital during the junior year (MUA 3410 or 3420)
- The proposed content of the Junior Recital must be submitted for approval to the applied teacher on the appropriate worksheet in sufficient time to allow for necessary changes.
- All Junior recitals shall have a minimum length of 30 minutes of music but no longer than 50 minutes.
- A student wishing to present a Junior Recital must be enrolled for credit at the appropriate applied level at the time of the recital (MUA 3410 or 3420), as well as enrolled for the course Junior Recital (MUA 3990)
- Senior Recitals for Music Education Majors
- Music Education majors will be required to present a half recital during the senior year (MUA 4210 or 4220)
- In lieu of a half recital, Music Education majors may perform on the Thursday Recital Series and must follow the same Pre-Hearing requirements.
- The proposed content of the Senior Recital must be submitted for approval to the applied teacher on the appropriate worksheet in sufficient time to allow for necessary changes.
- All Music Education recitals shall have a minimum length of 30 minutes of music but no longer than 50 minutes.
- A student wishing to present a Senior Recital must be enrolled for credit at the appropriate applied level at the time of the recital (MUA 4210 or 4220) as well as enrolled for the course Senior Recital (MUA 4990)
- Senior Recitals for Performance Majors
- Performance majors will be required to present a full recital during the senior year (MUA 4410 or 4420)
- The proposed content of the Senior Recital must be submitted for approval to the applied teacher on the appropriate worksheet in sufficient time to allow for necessary changes.
- Senior recitals for Piano, Voice, Woodwind, String, Percussion, and Organ recitals shall have a minimum length of 50 minutes of music but no more than 60 minutes.
- A student wishing to present a Senior Recital must be enrolled for credit at the appropriate applied level at the time of the recital (MUA 4410 or 4420), as well as enrolled for the course Senior Recital (MUA 4990)
- Optional Recitals
- Any student interested in performing an optional Junior or Senior Recital must follow the procedures outlined above.
- Procedures for ALL recitals
- All students must have on file a completed recital check sheet. The completion and processing of the recital check sheet is the applied teacher’s responsibility.
- Pre-hearing
- Students are required to perform their program, either in part or in full at the discretion of the student’s applied faculty, before his/her Applied Board Committee no later than three weeks before the intended date of performance. If this committee does not grant approval, the recital will be postponed.
- Grading
- The recital performance will be graded on a pass/fail basis by the student's Applied Instructor.
- If the decision is to fail the recital performance, the Applied Instructor will provide written documentation including reasons.
- The student will be required to perform the same program again for the Applied Board Committee. A statement indicating the earliest and latest dates between which the recital must be accomplished will be included in the documentation.
- If a student does not successfully pass the second recital date, then he/she must register for applied study for one additional semester before presenting a third attempt.
VIII. Requirements for Majors with a Secondary Area of Applied Music
- Instrumental
- Students who wish to study applied music in a secondary area must receive permission from the applied faculty instructor. An audition for applied study may be required at the discretion of the instructor.
- Students who are taking applied study for elective credit are not required to perform a jury.
- Students who are taking applied study for secondary credit are required to perform a jury on their secondary instrument at the discretion of the applied instructor, and must receive a minimum lesson grade of C to receive secondary credit.
- Students who are taking applied study for elective or secondary credit are not required to perform a recital, but are encouraged to do so at discretion of applied faculty instructor.
- Vocal
- Piano is the required secondary area of applied study for vocal majors.
- Requirements are found on the General Keyboard Requirements page.
Recital Worksheets