The Department of English is excited to announce the availability of graduate teaching assistanships for the 2015 fall term. Graduate teaching assistantships in English are awarded annually to students with a solid academic record, proven American English proficiency, and a strong teaching aptitude. Assistants teach two or three sections of freshman English (ENG 1100) during the two semesters of the regular academic year and must take a minimum of six hours of graduate course work during each semester in which they teach.
The advantages of a TA in English are significant. In addition to gaining valuable teaching experience and learning effective teaching strategies, teaching assistants also receive a monthly stipend and full tuition waiver for fall and spring semester during the period of the assistantship. The annual (two-semester) stipend total for 2014-2015 first-year TAs was $10,000; second-year TAs received $10,500. Assistantships are typically awarded for a term of one year, beginning in fall semester. This term may be renewed once, provided the student has at least one year's worth of course work remaining: thus, many teaching assistants teach for four semesters.
To apply, students must submit an application form supported by two letters of recommendation and a short essay describing their teaching experience and interests. To obtain a copy of the application form and the letter of recommendation form, please click on the following:
The deadline for applying is March 1. Note that application to the MA Program must be made prior to submitting the assistantship application.