School of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Courses and Course Descriptions

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Course Requirements

If you are entering the program, plan to complete the core courses during your first year. This is beneficial for acquiring an overview of humanities scholarship at the graduate level, developing research skills, and getting to know other students to cultivate a sense of shared participation.

Core Courses

  • HUM 7000 Research Methods in the Humanities: This course introduces you to research methods in the humanities. It focuses on how to conduct research in the humanities, how to develop appropriate humanities topics, and how to write effectively on humanities topics.
  • HUM 7100 Seminar in the Humanities: This course explores a single topic or problem from the perspective of a number of disciplines in the humanities. Topics, problems, and approaches vary.

Elective Courses

Humanities courses are those courses, generally offered in the College of Liberal Arts, that have an explicit humanities orientation. You must complete 18 hours of humanities electives. Courses are to be selected from a minimum of two departments and should approach your area of study with as much breadth as possible. These courses should form a coherent pattern that will provide an adequate foundation for your final thesis or project or capstone paper. Students on the capstone track, will need to take 24 hours of humanities electives.

HUM 7800 Independent Study: Independent study in the humanities or an academic department allows you to pursue a specific topic in depth or study a specific subject, unavailable as a regular course offering, necessary to complete your program of study. Independent studies are directed by a faculty member. The topic and requirements for the independent study must be developed in advance by you and the faculty director, and approved by the program director.

Humanities Thesis and Project Track

  • HUM 7400 Humanities Thesis: If you choose this option, write a 60-80 page research paper. The topic must be drawn from the humanities disciplines and the development of the topic must be from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • HUM 7300 Humanities Project: If you choose this option, create a body of work in the visual or performing arts, in creative writing, or in another form as appropriate. The creative work is accompanied by a 20-30 page essay that places the work in its larger humanities context.

Humanities Capstone Track

  • HUM 7500: If you choose this option, take two additional electives (for a total of 24 credit hours or eight classes) and register for the 2-credit hour capstone course (HUM 7500) in which you write a 25- to 30-page paper.

Course Descriptions in the Academic Catalog



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