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Faculty award a number of scholarships to continuing students in the spring of each year. The amount of each award, which varies from year to year, is credited toward the student’s tuition costs for the following year. Students may apply for more than one scholarship a year if they have the necessary qualifications.
The Janice J. Gabbert Classics Scholarship
- Purpose: Jan Gabbert served as chair of the Department of Classics for almost 20 years. After her retirement in 2004, this scholarship was established to honor her many years of service.
- Eligibility: All Classics majors
- Criteria: Financial need; special consideration to students pursuing academic opportunities such as study abroad.
- Application Process: Interested students should follow the application instructions on the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website.
The William and Cynthia King Endowed Scholarship
- Purpose: Bill and Cynthia King taught for over 35 years in the Classics Department. After their retirement in 2002, this scholarship was established to honor their many years of service.
- Eligibility: All Classics majors
- Criteria: This is a merit-based scholarship recognizing academic accomplishment
- Application Process: Interested students should follow the application instructions on the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website.
All English majors are encouraged to complete the FAFSA and Continuing Student Scholarship application, in addition to submitting applications for department scholarships.
- The Kathleen (Pfister) Dion Endowed Scholarship
Awarded for the student’s junior year and renewable for the senior year, the Dion Scholarship covers approximately half the cost of full-time tuition. Students are nominated by department faculty and selected by a faculty committee.
- English Department Senior Scholarships and Lucy Johnson Jones Scholarship in English
These scholarships are awarded for the students’ senior year and are not renewable. Funds for the Senior Scholarship funds are contributed annually by English Department faculty and staff, friends and alumni. The English Department Senior Scholarship is not need-based, but the selection committee may consider need as a factor. The Jones L. Johnson Scholarship is endowed and is awarded alternately to an undergraduate senior or to a graduate student and preferences need. It may be combined with a Senior Scholarship. Awards vary from $500 to $2000.
- Adam Cline Memorial Scholarship in Creative Writing
Award varies. This scholarship is supported by contributions from English Department faculty and staff, friends and alumni. This scholarship is not need-based, but the selection committee may consider need as a factor. Preference may be given to physically disabled students and/or to those writing from a socially aware perspective.
- Gary Pacernick Endowed Scholarship in Creative Writing: Poetry
Award varies from $400-$1000 for the academic year. Not a need-based scholarship, but the committee may consider need as a factor. Students receiving the scholarship for their junior year will be eligible to reapply for their senior year.
- Other
In recent years the department has been able to make a full-tuition completion scholarship available to a senior English major with demonstrated need, thanks to the generosity of an emeritus faculty member. The selection committee relies upon the Continuing Student Scholarship application and individual faculty recommendation to make this award.
The History program offers scholarships and prizes to currently enrolled undergraduate students. Applications are due mid-way through the spring semester; exact due dates are posted annually at the beginning of the spring semester.
History Essay Prize
This prize is awarded to the best paper (7-20 pages) written by an undergraduate student.
Outstanding Student in History Scholarship
The winner will be a history major with a g.p.a. of at least 3.3 and at least one semester remaining before graduation. To apply, students a 300-word essay that describes as fully as possible their interests, their goals as a student of history, and why they should receive the award; they also submit a letter of recommendation from a member of the history department faculty.
Scholarship in Memory of Carl Becker
This scholarship honors one of the founding members of the Wright State history department, an accomplished scholar and a great supporter of public history, both at Wright State and in the community. This scholarship is awarded to a graduate of Wright State who is entering the Wright State graduate program in History on the Public History track.
F. Richard Swann Scholarship
This scholarship was endowed by Wright State alumni Samuel and Lynne Dodson in 2013. It honors a retired faculty member who specialized in British history. It is awarded to the best paper (7-20 pages) written by an undergraduate student, with preference given to essays on some aspect of the history of Great Britain and/or the British Empire.
Nezahualcóyotl Prize
Awarded to an outstanding student in senior-level Latin American History courses offered at Wright State the previous calendar year.
Faculty award a number of scholarships to continuing students in the spring of each year. The amount of each award, which varies from year to year, is credited toward the student’s tuition costs for the following year. Students may apply for more than one scholarship a year if they have the necessary qualifications.
Erik C. Banks Memorial Scholarship
- Purpose: Erik C. Banks, professor in the Department of Philosophy, joined with WSU faculty in 2006. Following his sudden death in 2017, his family generously endowed this scholarship as a lasting tribute to his memory.
- Eligibility: All Philosophy majors and minors
- Criteria: Financial need and academic achievement
- Application Process: Interested students should follow the application instructions on the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website.
The Ronald F. Hough Endowed Scholarship
- Purpose: Ronald Hough served as the Chair of the Wright State Philosophy Department for 29 years. On his retirement, this scholarship was established in recognition of his extraordinary service.
- Eligibility: All Philosophy majors
- Criteria: This is a merit-based scholarship recognizing academic accomplishment
- Application Process: Interested students should follow the application instructions on the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website.
Faculty award a number of scholarships to continuing students in the spring of each year. The amount of each award, which varies from year to year, is credited toward the student’s tuition costs for the following year. Students may apply for more than one scholarship a year if they have the necessary qualifications.
The Robert B. Dorris, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- Purpose: Robert Dorris graduated from Wright State in 1986, with a major in Religion. After his death in 2003, his parents established this scholarship to honor his memory and to foster discussion about religion, particularly LGBT issues.
- Eligibility: All Religion majors and minors
- Criteria: Best Essay
- Length: Approximately 5-7 pages, double-spaced.
- Topic of Essay: Open. Applicants may submit an essay written for a recent Religion course or write an original essay for this contest.
- Evaluation of Essays: The Religion Department faculty will determine the best essay, considering:
- Academic Substance. The essay presents issues and evidence and not merely personal opinion.
- Logical development. The essay articulates and elaborates a thesis that is then supported by careful arguments.
- Appropriate documentation. The essay provides support for the assertions it makes.
- Quality of the Writing. The essay strives for both clarity and elegance in presentation.
- Application Process: Interested students should follow the application instructions on the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website.
The Gregory Burdette Heuser Memorial Scholarship
- Purpose: Greg Heuser graduated magna cum laude from Wright State in 1976, with a major in Religion. After his death in 2003, his parents established this scholarship to honor his memory.
- Eligibility: All Religion majors and minors
- Criteria: Financial need and academic accomplishment
- Application Process: Interested students should follow the application instructions on the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website.
Wright State University Hillel Organization Scholarship
- Purpose: Kim and Shelley Goldenberg have established a scholarship through the Dayton Jewish Federation Foundation. Its purpose is to financially assist Wright State University students who participate in Hillel Campus Activities.
- Eligibility: All students who participate in Hillel Campus Activities, from any college and any major.
- Criteria: Scholarship recipients must be full-time undergraduate students, with an overall GPA of at least 2.5, and be active in Hillel campus activities.
- Application Process: Interested students should follow the application instructions on the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website. Students may also apply directly by submitting a letter of application to Prof. Mark Verman, Zusman Chair of Judaic Studies. In the letter, discuss the Hillel campus activities that you have organized or participated in during the past year. These can either be events here at Wright State or Hillel events at other campuses. Additionally, suggest future events that you would like to see Wright State’s Hillel sponsor.