School of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Minor in Comparative Religion

Why Choose Comparative Religion?

Because religion is an integral part of human culture and society, a comparative religion minor is a fitting complement to any liberal arts discipline. Think of adding a comparative religion minor if you have an interest in religious studies that is not satisfied by your major subject. A minor in comparative religion will not only allow you to pursue this interest in greater depth but also likely help you understand more fully your major subject.

Academics and Curriculum

  • Introductory Course: Students must take one 1000-2000-level Comparative Religions course.
  • Upper-Level Electives: Students must take five 3000-4000 level Comparative Religions electives.

View comparative religion minor program information and degree requirements in the Academic Catalog.


If you are a current student submit a Major/Minor Change Request by logging in to WINGS, then select Student Academics under Your Launchpad, or talk to your advisor about adding a minor.


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