Shen Yao grew up in Xi’an, China, the home of the Terracotta Warriors. Shen considers himself lucky to have started learning English in the third grade, awakening dreams of becoming an English teacher. In 2017, Shen was admitted to Wright State under the 3+1+1 program, which enabled him to complete his undergraduate degree from Xi’an University and his MA in TESOL from Wright State. During his time at Wright State Shen learned to appreciate the value of being an active learner and participant in class discussion. According to Shen, “it is this active attitude that motivated me to complete my studies in two years.” He especially remembers the experience of attending the Ohio TESOL Annual Conference. While there, he gained exposure to the current research being conducted in the international field of TESOL and the different philosophies, perspectives, and methodologies of teaching English. Shen is now back in China successfully teaching English in his hometown of Xi'an.