Lingvae Mortvae Vivvnt apvd Vniversitatem Wright State!
Dead Languages Live at Wright State University! On Monday, April 20th, almost 130 area high school students attended the Classics Department’s first Latin Day, held in WSU’s Student Union.
The students, who are currently taking Latin at Fenwick, Fairmont, and Butler high schools, participated in a variety of activities. WSU Classics students, under the direction of Dr. Bruce Laforse, performed entertaining scenes from Plautus’s famous comedy Miles Gloriosus. Dr. Heidi Wendt gave a tutorial on how to decipher Latin inscriptions carved on ancient tombstones and monuments. And Mr. Aaron Wolpert discussed in fascinating detail the organization of the Roman household. Over lunch everyone competed in a Latin trivia contest.
Congratulations to Dr. Rebecca Edwards, our Latin specialist, for organizing the event. And a big thank you to the Latin teachers at Fenwick, Fairmont, and Butler who facilitated their students’ visit to our campus, and to our numerous Latin students who helped out in many ways, directing the high schoolers to their sessions, serving lunch, and most important, demonstrating by their very presence that dead languages live at Wright State.