School of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Classics Honors Society Inducts New Members

Classics Honors Society Inducts New Members

This past Saturday, October 18, the Wright State University chapter (Theta Sigma) of Eta Sigma Phi, a national honor fraternity for Classical Studies, initiated seven new members. We congratulate and welcome to the fraternity Alex Anderson, Jessica Becker, Rebecca Coe, Fred Hockney, Kristie Kuhn, Christine Turner, and graduate student Sandra Moran. All of these students and the senior members of Eta Sigma Phi earned their membership in this society through their outstanding performance in Greek and Latin language classes.

The initiation was followed by a reading in translation of Aristophanes’ Clouds, which was attended by 25 students, including Classics alumni, majors and friends. Highlights include Fred Hockney brilliantly embodying Aristophanes’ bumbling Socrates, alumnus Tim Cochran winning over the audience as the Immoral or “Sophistic” Argument, and Sandy Moran shining as the effete playboy Pheidippides. A good time was had by all, as usual.


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