The English Department's First annual Undergraduate Creative Writing Contest in Fiction and Poetry!
Deadline: Monday, March 3, 2014
These contests are open to all undergraduates currently enrolled at Wright State University. Students may submit in both fiction and poetry, but are limited to one entry in each category.
Fiction submissions should include one story, 1000-5000 words, double-spaced.
Poetry submissions should include three poems, single-spaced.
Please email your submission to wrightstatecreativewriting@gmail.com with the subject line “poetry submission” or “fiction submission.” In the body of the email, please include your name, UID number, address and phone number, the title of your submission(s), and a short bio. Your submission should be sent as a pdf, doc, docx, or rtf attachment. Your name and contact information should not appear on the manuscript. The prize in each category will be a $50 Barnes and Noble gift card. The winners in fiction and in poetry, as well as two honorable mentions in each category, will be announced at a ceremony on Friday, April 4, 3:00-4:30 in the Millett Atrium. Plan to attend!
Please send any questions to the email above. Sponsored by the Wright State University English Department’s Creative Writing Program