Academic and Career Advising

Hiring Information for Employers

We welcome employers to visit Wright State and participate in a variety of programs and activities, including on-campus recruiting. We highly value partnerships with employers that allow our students and faculty to stay current regarding activities and trends in the corporate arena, and allow for the sharing of opportunities such as jobs and internships.

On this page:

Recruiting, Interviewing, and Posting a Position

We believe Wright State students and graduates are some of the best candidates an employer can hire. Our goal is to connect you with students that will make a difference in your organization. We strive to build lasting relationships that are beneficial to all parties. We suggest the following in order to recruit our students and build awareness of your organization:

  • Attend fall and spring career fairs
  • Post internship and job opportunities on Handshake with Wright State University Career Services
  • Target specific student groups for job openings. Contact our office with a job opening and the necessary qualifications and we will forward the opportunity to the appropriate students.
  • Recruit and interview on campus! For more information, please contact Career Services at

You are encouraged to visit campus, review information about internships and co-ops, use employer resources, and review employer guidelines.

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 11 am to 2 pm
Student Union Atrium
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 1 pm to 2 pm
005 Student Success

View all college career events

Why Hire a Liberal Arts Graduate?

Hiring the right employees is one of the most important decisions you make for your organization. When you hire liberal arts graduates, you are hiring valuable employees with the skills your organization needs to succeed and thrive—not just now, but in the future.

That’s because Wright States University’s liberal arts programs train the mind to focus not just on the what, but the how and the why. Liberal arts graduates offer their employers far more value than just technical training for a job. They are prepared with the essential skills that help them succeed in any job. The liberal arts prepare employees to do well forever.

Liberal arts graduates have these essential skills:

  • Creative, innovative thinking that solves problems
  • The capacity to learn new things quickly and adapt to the ever-changing world
  • Clear, effective communication
  • The ability to do research and analyze data
  • The flexibility to work in teams and understand other points of view in our diverse world

And of a list of the top 10 skills employers want, as reported in Forbes Magazine, seven are directly related to a liberal arts education, including the top two—the ability to work in teams and solve problems. Specific knowledge of a business or organization will be learned on the job. Skills sharpened by the study of the liberal arts enable employees to thrive now and in jobs that do not yet exist in your organization.

Success Stories

Wright State history grad Gary Norman is an attorney who advocates for those often overlooked in society.
1986 Wright State acting alum Brad Sherwood took a break from his national comedy tour to talk to students in the Creative Arts Center.


Take the Next Step

Finding the right college means finding the right fit. See all that the College of Liberal Arts has to offer by visiting campus.