- Get latest law school information from pre-law advising website and other sources.
- Sign up for October Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) by September. Late registration dates can be found on the LSAT Dates and Deadlines page on the Law School Admission Council website.
- Sign up for LSDAS as per the instructions found on the Law School Admission Council website.
- Make an appointment to talk with your pre-law advisor. Before this meeting, prepare a tentative list of law schools you are considering.
- Secure application materials (including financial aid applications if necessary). Please visit the Law School Admission Council website for information about electronic applications.
- Take the LSAT if you have not already done so.
- Make appointments to see law school recruiters as appropriate.
- After receiving your application forms, write your basic essay or essays. If you wish, your pre-law advisor will read these essays and make suggestions.
- Give out recommendation forms to professors. You are strongly advised to use the law school letter of recommendations service for all recommendations. These are sent directly to the law schools.
- Get applications in.
- After you receive your LSAT score (if taken in the fall) check with pre-law advisor for additional suggestions, if necessary.
- Finish up applications.
- If you are applying for financial aid, use the FAFSA form online and fill it out. Keep a printed copy for your records.
Either with a letter, or a phone call, or online, monitor your files at every law school to which you have applied making sure all items, LSDAS reports, recommendations, etc. are in and your file is complete. If any item is not in, contact the appropriate agency/person. If you applied using the LSAC online account, you may check your file status online. Some law schools also have online file checking available.
- Wait
- When you have been accepted to a school you wish to attend, notify other schools in writing that have accepted you that you will not be attending.
- If there are problems or questions, or if you are waitlisted at your first choice school, see your pre-law advisor.
- Pay deposit to school you will be attending, or if you are on the wait list at your first choice school, make sure you have placed a deposit to hold your seat at your “second choice” school.
- Order a final transcript from the registrar's office (showing graduation date) to be sent to the law school you will attend.
Please inform your pre-law advisor of your final decision regarding law school.