School of Social Sciences and International Studies

Carole Ahossin, B.A, '17 M.A. Applied Behavioral Science

Master’s Thesis: Marital Patterns and the Economic Integration of African Immigrants in the United States

Carole Ahossin’s ABS project focused on the socioeconomic integration of African immigrants in the United States through marriage choices. Intermarriage has been identified as a possible marriage premium. This marriage premium facilitates the integration of immigrants into mainstream American society. Using multinomial regression, the project compares the labor participation, self-employment, managerial and professional occupation, individual income and family income, and the poverty rate of African immigrants that are in-married, inter-married or in an interracial marriage. Findings demonstrate a better economic integration for immigrants who are married to white natives. They are more likely to work, to have a higher income than their in-married counterparts and are less likely to be in poverty. Carole is currently applying to graduate programs and plans to start her Ph.D. studies in Fall 2018.


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