School of Social Sciences and International Studies

Spanish Students from Kettering Fairmont High School visit WSU

On Friday, October 17, 2014, 32 Spanish students from Kettering Fairmont High School came to experience university life at Wright State.  The students arrived in the morning and visited two different Spanish classes. Professors Álvarez, Doran, Petreman, Richards, and Román welcomed these students to their classes, and  encouraged them to learn the day’s lesson and participate in the activities.  After a campus tour, the students enjoyed lunch at the Union Market where they ate with Spanish professors and Spanish majors. The students and their teacher Amy Haney wrote all of the faculty who participated notas de gracias to show their appreciation for our hospitality. A big thank you to Señora Haney and her enthusiastic students! It was a successful event and we hope to see these students again on campus next year!  


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